Saturday, March 31, 2018

Peaceful Fruit of Righteousness

I may have mentioned this before, but I don't remember. I'm reading the book Transforming Grace by Jerry Bridges,  for my counseling sessions. It's been a wonderful read and I'm grateful for what I'm learning through it. This morning I was reading in the chapter, Appropriating Grace. The basic meaning of appropriate is "to take possession of", which I've tried to remember every time the word is used in the chapter, which is often. It makes it more relevant to me when I think of it that way. 

In the section subtitled Submission to God, the author references Hebrews 12 and talks about it quite a bit. I turned to it in my Bible and a verse he didn't mention jumped off the page at me: 

No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. 
Later on, however, it yields the peaceful  fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. 

The author says: "Discipline may be either corrective or remedial. It may be sent for the purpose of correcting some sinful attitude or action, or to remedy some lack in our character. In either case, it is administered by our heavenly Father in love, not in wrath. Jesus has already borne the wrath of God in our place, so all adversities that come to us, come because He loves us and designs to conform us to the likeness of His Son."

So, when I read verse 11 and saw that discipline brings the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it, I smiled. God brings the righteousness and it is peaceful... Wow!! I have felt much more peace over the last few months, whereas last year for several months I was in so. much. pain. God was, I believe, both correcting me and remedying a lack in my character. 

Have I arrived? By no means! I know that there is so much more for me to learn and to be trained in. I pray that when I'm disciplined again (which actually, I think can happen through many different circumstances, 'big' or 'small' as I've seen lately, now that I think of it), that I will yield (submit) willingly and humbly under the mighty hand of God (1 Peter 5:6-7). 

How grateful I am to be so loved by the Father that He doesn't leave me as I am, but disciplines me to change me and to make me more like Jesus. 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

A Testament to God's Faithfulness

I haven't posted for over two months. I suppose maybe I should change the title of my blog since I have come as far as I have, by God's grace. He has truly done so much for me and I can only attest to His faithfulness at bringing me this far. Do I still miss Phil? Absolutely. Do I still cry? Yes. My heart can really still hurt at times, but the despair is no longer a part of who I am. If I do feel myself sinking into despair or anger, I sense God's prompting quicker, because of the work He's done in my heart and I'm not prone to stay in those spaces for long. He enables me to turn to Him and to trust Him. I'm learning that everything is from His hand... because I can't do anything without Him. 

I have a friend who is in the hospital. I didn't go see her on Thursday because we had a lot of rain and there was a chance of thunderstorms. I decided to go see her yesterday and before I went I was having a lot of anxiety because I hadn't yet been to visit anyone on the main floor of the hospital since Phil passed away on that floor... I had been to the second floor when my dad had a stroke two months after Phil passed away. That was hard, but God enabled me to go. But this, this was so different, or so I thought. I went up there and I prayed before I went, and my daughter was praying for me to and I knew she was 'cheering me on' from afar. I had been texting with her before I went and I had her full support and love behind me, not to mention, of course, God's full love and support! When I got to the hospital I was sitting in the car for a minute, crying... but then God helped me dry my eyes and go in. 

Do you know how much He loves us!? I was amazed to go in, so full of peace and confidence in HIM. The first person I saw was one of the nurse's aids who had cared for Phil when he was there. He was so kind and supportive of me. And another thing that I was so thankful for, was, that even though I saw down the hall where Phil had last been and passed away, my friend was not down that hall but a different hall, and looking down the hall where Phil had been I was fine... only God's grace could do that! And then I was able to go visit her again today this time with no anxiety at all before I went. Today my friend's nurse was another one who had taken care of Phil. She was very kind and gave me a couple of hugs. 

The biggest thing from all of this though, is that God saw me through my anxiety and gave me the gift of being able to go visit my friend and be a support to her. 

I have seen His hand so many times over the years and over this last year as I've learned to let go of my beloved husband and cling to God. That brings me to say, that I know I can trust Him with my future and what He might have more to do. I did start as a demonstrator in a business with my mom (she's been in it for almost 16 years) ~ Stampin Up! ~ I hope to be able to make a go of it. I realize I need to trust God with it and if He has something else for me, I need to trust Him with that too. 

How can I not trust the God who has brought me through so much and whom I know will continue to be with me through the rest of my life?