Saturday, January 20, 2018


I have always had a heart for people and to some degree have felt their sadness, but the last two weeks I have experienced empathy. I have cried for two ladies who have 'lost' their husbands. One is a gal I have known for many years. We were best friends in Jr High. We had lost touch for about four decades! Thanks to Facebook and ultimately, God, we reconnected a couple of years ago. We haven't spoken on the phone or seen each other... but that doesn't change how our friendship was instantly rekindled and the love we felt toward one another was reignited. One day last week she posted that her husband had passed away the night before. My heart instantly ached for her. Tears slid down my cheeks in silent empathy. I know the pain  of having your husband, your best friend ever, leaving his earthly body to go home to Jesus. As I've read, and heard, this last year, I didn't lose him, I know right where he is. And a song says, "I didn't lose him, I know right where he is. He was never really mine, he was always His." You can listen to that song here. I may have posted it before, but that' ok. :) 

Yesterday afternoon I learned that a man from my church passed away. I started crying... because I knew this man but I also cried (more so) for his wife... she and he had come to visit me not long after my husband passed away and throughout this last year she has sent me cards to encourage me and show her support. She has also given me hugs and talked with me at church, asking how I'm doing. Now she is facing grief as well. Because I know them both it hit a little bit closer to home, and the pain of Phil's passing came rushing back... I relived those moments before he passed away. Sitting next to his bed in the hospital room, holding his hand the last couple of hours until he slipped into the arms of Jesus. Tears flowed then, and have flowed often this last year... 

I, of course, don't know fully what these two precious ladies are feeling, but I do, to some degree, because the pain of 'losing' a husband is different than any other kind of death, although death is always hard. As I have heard of other people who have had loved ones pass away my heart goes out to them as well. Death is painful. For those who know Jesus though, we don't grieve without hope. Yes, we grieve, sometimes we grieve hard. I did... there were times I just wanted it to be over... the pain was so intense and I hurt like I've never hurt before, but God is faithful... and even though I was grieving, it was not without hope. I'm still grieving, but it's not as intense... God has proven Himself faithful. The Comforter has been with me through this dark night of the soul and I know He will be with these two precious women as well. 

If God allows, I hope and pray that I will be able to comfort them with the same comfort He has given me (2 Corinthians 1:3-7

Saturday, January 13, 2018

A Miracle

I hope you'll forgive me if I've already shared some of this or something similar. I continue to be astounded, however, at what Christ has done. This song that I just heard for the first time recently by Casting Crowns definitely describes my last year. I have learned so much this last year and know God is the God of all my days! He has shown me this again and again. Psalm 139 says He had all our days written in His book before one of them came to be. 

God has done a miracle in my heart. No question. It is His work, not mine. Period. When I look back... wow... How far He has brought me.

I was told, and I also read, that the second year of widowhood will be harder than the first. Well, maybe it will, however, I don't have to be saying, "Oh no! It's going to be harder." Why should I even think I have to go down that road, because of what I've been told or have read? God has healed my heart. I can't even begin to express to you my gratitude for what God has done. He has taken this most tragic situation in my mind and transformed it into a gift

When I was first widowed I had someone share an article with me by Elisabeth Elliot, that quite honestly I never read because it was about widowhood being a gift, "Um, excuse me", I thought, "No way. Widowhood is not a gift." I  never thought I would see it as such. Never.

A friend wrote a prayer for me in the sympathy card she sent. A card that was apparently blank until she penned her beautiful words... and a prayer guided by the Holy Spirit to her heart... and prayed for me... I have kept it close and read it several times this last year and I see how God has answered that prayer. Joy has overcome sorrow. The Lord has been my Comforter. He has called to my mind His precious promises. He is using (by His strength) me to walk with others in their sorrow. He has sustained me and given me the peace that passes all understanding. I had anxiety like I'd never before experienced. God has removed it and replaced it with trust in Him and with His peace... 

I could have done NONE of this on my own. This was a walk I didn't want to take, but God wanted it for me. He wanted to remove the dross in His Refiner's fire and bring forth His gold. I am in no way saying I have arrived. I know there is still work to be done in me and there will be until the day I die or He comes for me and many other believers in the sky. But God is faithful and He will provide everything I need, whatever trials may come my way. 

He has worked a miracle in my heart. Something I never expected a year ago. I literally thought the pain would go on forever

I praise Him for all He has done. As my late husband loved to say, from the words of Scripture, "God is my ROCK!"